Chapter Events


What's Living in Your Soil? and Annual Meeting

Thursday, November 13th, 2025
to (Eastern Time)
Christ Lutheran Church, 2011 Brandon Ave SW, Roanoke, VA, 24015 Map

Public Welcome Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking

Get up close and personal with soil microorganisms! Following up on our February presentation on healthy soil, Ruth Reyer will give us a live microscope presentation scanning through a different soil samples from field and forest. She'll discuss the soil food web and the reciprocal relationship between it, the plants, and ourselves.

Ruth raises honey bees, coturnix quail, microgreens, native nursery plants, vermiculture, herbs, and vegetables. She sells at local markets and through a seasonal CSA.

We'll also have an overview of our year, hold elections, and discuss the coming year.

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